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Randall Kate C., Brennan Fiona, Clipson Nicholas, Creamer Rachel E., Griffiths Bryan S., Storey Sean, Doyle Evelyn (2020) An Assessment of Climate Induced Increase in Soil Water Availability for Soil Bacterial Communities Exposed to Long-Term Differential Phosphorus Fertilization. Frontiers in Microbiology. 11, p682     
Masters-Clark, E., Shone, E., Paradelo, M., Hirsch, P.R., Clark, I.M., Otten, W., Brennan F. and Mauchline T. H. (2020) Development of a defined compost system for the study of plant-microbe interactions. Scientific Reports 10: 7521.
Dundore-Arias, J.P., Eloe-Fadrosh, E.A., Schriml, L.M., Beattie, G.A., Brennan, F.P., Busby, P.E. et al. (2020) Community-driven Metadata Standards for Agricultural Microbiome Research. Phytobiomes Journal:
Merget, B., Dobrindt, U., Forbes, K.J., Strachan, N.J.C., Brennan, F., and Holden, N.J. (2020) Variability in growth responses of non-O157 EHEC isolates in leafy vegetables, sprouted seeds and soil extracts occurs at the isolate level. FEMS Microbiology Letters 367.
O'Neill, R.M., Girkin, N.T., Krol, D.J., Wall, D.P., Brennan, F.P., Lanigan, G.J. et al. (2020) The effect of carbon availability on N2O emissions is moderated by soil phosphorus. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 142: 107726.
Tyrrell, C., Burgess, C., Brennan, F.P., and Walsh, F. (2019) Antibiotic resistance in grass and soil. Biochemical Society Transactions: 1-10.
Thorn, C.E., Bergesch, C., Joyce, A., Sambrano, G., McDonnell, K., Brennan, F. et al. (2019) A robust, cost‐effective method for DNA, RNA and protein co‐extraction from soil, other complex microbiomes, and pure cultures. Molecular Ecology Resources 19: 439-455.
Randall, K., Brennan, F., Clipson, N., Creamer, R., Griffiths, B., Storey, S., and Doyle, E. (2019) Soil bacterial community structure and functional responses across a long-term mineral phosphorus (Pi) fertilisation gradient differ in grazed and cut grasslands. Applied Soil Ecology 138: 134-143.
Merget, B., Forbes, K.J., Brennan, F., McAteer, S.P., Shepherd, T., Strachan, N.J., and Holden, N. (2019) Relating growth potential and biofilm formation of Shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli to in planta colonisation and the metabolome of ready- to-eat crops. bioRxiv: 523175.
Merget, B., Forbes, K., Brennan, F.P., McAteer, S., Shepherd, T., Strachan, N., and Holden, N.M. (2019) The influence of plant species, tissue type and temperature on the capacity of Shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli to colonise, grow and internalise into plants. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 85: e00123-00119.
Machado-Moreira, B., Richards, K., Brennan, F., Abram, F., and Burgess, C. (2019) Microbial Contamination of Fresh Produce: What, Where, and How? Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety 18: 1727 -1750.
Waters, N.R., Abram, F., Brennan, F., Holmes, A., and Pritchard, L. (2018) riboSeed: leveraging prokaryotic genomic architecture to assemble across ribosomal regions. Nucleic Acids Research: gky212-gky212.
Waters, N., Brennan, F., Holmes, A., Abram, F., and Pritchard, L. (2018) Easily phylotyping E. coli via the EzClermont web app and command-line tool. bioRxiv: doi: 
Nolan, S., Waters, N., Brennan, F., Fenton, O. , Richards, K., Bolton, D., Pritchard, L., O'Flaherty, V., and Abram, F. (2018) Towards assessing farm-based anaerobic digestate public health risks: comparative investigation with slurry, effect of pasteurisation treatments and use of miniature Bioreactors as Proxies for Pathogen Spiking Trials. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems: 2 p41.
Somorin, Y., Vollmerhausen, T., Waters, N., Pritchard, L., Abram, F., Brennan, F., and O'Byrne, C. (2018 ) Absence of Curli in Soil-Persistent Escherichia coli is Mediated by a C-di-GMP Signalling Defect and suggests Evidence of Biofilm Independent Niche Specialisation. Frontiers in Microbiology: 9.
Schmidt, O., Bolger, T., Creamer, R., Brennan, F., and Dobson, A.D.W. (2018) The Living Soil: Biodiversity and Functions. In The Soils of Ireland. Creamer, R., and O’Sullivan, L. (eds). Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 257-265.

Somorin, Y., Bouchard, G., Gallagher,  J., Abram, F. Brennan, F and O'Byrne, C  (2017)  Roles for RpoS in survival of Escherichia coli during protozoan predation and in reduced moisture conditions highlight its importance in soil environments.  FEMS microbiology letters 364 (19).

Somorin, Y., Abram, F., Brennan, F., and O'Byrne, C. (2016)  The general stress response is conserved in long-term soil-adapted strains of Escherichia coli.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology:  82 (15): 4628-4640.

Fenton, O., Healy, M.G., Brennan, F., Thorton, S., Lanigan, G., and Ibrahim, T. (2016) Holistic evaluation of field-scale denitrifying bioreactors as a basis to improve environmental sustainability. Journal of Environmental Quality: 45(3): 788-795.

Moynihan, E. L., K. G. Richards, F. P. Brennan, S. F. Tyrrel, and K. Ritz. (2015) 'Enteropathogen survival in soil from different land-uses is predominantly regulated by microbial community composition'. Applied Soil Ecology, 89 :76-84.

Jones, C. M., A. Spor, F. P. Brennan, M.-C. Breuil, D. Bru, P. Lemanceau, B. Griffiths, S. Hallin, and L. Philippot (2014) 'Recently identified microbial guild mediates soil N2O sink capacity'. Nature Climate Change, 4 :801-805.

Brennan, F. P., E. Moynihan, B. S. Griffiths, S. Hillier, J. Owen, H. Pendlowski, and L. M. Avery (2014) 'Clay mineral type effect on bacterial enteropathogen survival in soil'. Science Of The Total Environment, 468-469 :302-305.

Ernfors, M., F. Brennan, K. Richards, K. McGeough, B. S. Griffiths, R. J. Laughlin, C. J. Watson, L. Philippot, J. Grant, E. Minet, E. Moynihan, and C. Mueller (2014) 'The nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide increases mineralization-immobilization turnover in slurry amended grassland soil'. Journal Of Agricultural Science, 152 :137-149.

Fenton, O., Healy, M.G., Brennan, F., Jahangir, M.M.R., Lanigan, G.J., Richards, K.G., Thornton, S.F., Ibrahim, T.G. (2014) 'Permeable reactive interceptors: blocking diffuse nutrient and greenhouse gases losses in key areas of the farming landscape'. Journal Of Agricultural Science, 152 :S71-S81.

Brennan, F. P., J. Grant, C. Botting, V. O' Flaherty, K. Richards, and F. Abram (2013) 'Insights into the Low Temperature Adaptation and Nutritional Flexibility of a Soil Persistent Escherichia coli'. Fems Microbiology Ecology, 84 :75-85.

Moynihan, E., K. Richards, K. Ritz, S. Tyrrel, and F. Brennan (2013) 'The impact of soil type, biology and temperature on the environmental persistence of non-toxigenic E. coli O157'. Biology And Environment, 113B :41-46.

Brennan, F. P., G. Kramers, J. Grant, V. O' Flaherty, N. M. Holden, and K. Richards (2012) 'Evaluating E. coli transport risk in soil using dye and bromide tracers'. Soil Science Society Of America Journal, 76 :663-673.

Kramers, G,Holden, NM,Brennan, F,Green, S,Richards, KG (2012) 'Water Content and Soil Type Effects on Accelerated Leaching after Slurry Application'. Vadose Zone Journal, 11.


Harris, J. A., S. F. Tyrrel, K. Ritz, G. J. Lanigan, B. S. Griffiths, F. P. Brennan, F. Bourdin, P. A. Massey, E. L. Moynihan, N. E. Rogers, M. G. Kibblewhite, M. Pawlett, R. Sakrabani, N. J. Hoekstra, R. E. Creamer, R. P. O. Schulte, and K. G. Richards (2011) 'Does soil biology hold the key to optimised slurry management?: a manifesto for research'. Soil Use And Management, 27 :464-469.

Brennan F.P., Chinalia, F.A., Abram, F., Richards, K.R. and O'Flaherty, V. (2010) 'Characterisation of environmentally persistent E. coli isolates leached from an Irish soil'. Applied And Environmental Microbiology, 76 (7):2-175.

Brennan, F., Abram, F., Chinalia, F., Richards, K. and O'Flaherty V. (2010) 'Characterisation of environmentally persistent Escherichia coli isolates leached from an Irish soil'. Appl. Environ. Microbiol, 76 (7):2175-2180.

Creamer, R.E., Brennan, F., Fenton, O., Healy, M.G., Lalor, S.T.J., Lanigan, G.J., Regan, J.T., Griffiths, B.S. (2010) 'Implications of the proposed Soil Framework Directive on agricultural systems in Atlantic Europe - a review'. Soil Use and Management, 26 :198-211.

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